Newspapers-The Times Representation and Industries


1) What representation of private schools can be found on the main front page story of the Times?

On the front page of the Times Private schools are represented as important and represents them in a positive light due to them "saving the goverment 20 billion pounds." This can be seen as more elitist. 

2) What representation of the Conservative Party can be found in the story at the top of the front page 'Calls for criminal enquiry as top ministers deny security leak'?

The criminal goverment leak is almost as if the Times is defending the government containing multiple denials of and wrongdoing. Creating a representation of the Conservative party as being law- abiding and open to scrunity. Reinforcing the idea that the Times usually supports the Conservative party in British politics. 

3) How are the Royal Family represented in the Times(See front page 'Fitting tribute' - Duchess of Cambridge picture and the inside page 'Royal Anzac Day on both sides of the world'). 

From the front page, the picture of the Duchess of Cambridge highlights how the Times values tradition (Kate wearing the poppy) also focusing on patriotic values, respect for armed services and her title as a member of aristocracy. Overall postive light on the Duchess. On the inside page there is a positive focus on the Conservative Royal family and the traditions they take part in: military tributes, church services, prayers, formal parades. 

4) How does the coverage of the Royal Family in the Times contrast with the reporting of the same events in the Daily Mirror?

In the Daily Mirror the editiors focus more on the "Royal Rift" between the family relationships in order to present the Royal family as any other family so that the working class can relate to them whereas in the Times they focus more on the families traditions " Royal Anzac Day" they take part in presenting them in a respectful and positive light. However another interpretation can be that the Times may be trying to create a bit of a scandal showing Kate and Harry together and Prince William and the president of New Zealand doing the "Anzac greeting kiss" despite this portraying William as patriotic it may be interpreted in a different way to a reader who hasn't read the story yet. 

5) How are British people and Muslims represented in the article and sidebar 'Sri Lanka tourists warned of more terror'?

In the article and sidebar "Sri Lanka tourists warned of more terror" Muslims are presented in a negative light almost as if British people should fear them due to these attacks and see them as potential threat. 


1) Who owns the Times? Write the name of the company AND the billionaire who owns the company.

The Times is owned by News UK (a subsidiary of News Corporation) which is owned by Rupert Murdoch. 

2) What was the The Times's circulation in 2019? How many papers did the Times used to sell back in the 1990s?

The Times circulation in 2019 was 376,000 compared to over 800,000 in the 1990s. 

3) How has the Times reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?

In response to the decline in print sales, the Times have moved towards to a multi-platform landscape- it synchronises and publishes across it's print, desktop and mobile platforms. The Times has a paywall on their online content however it sometimes experiments with making content free (possibly to attract new members.) As well as this the Times has created a social media strategy to drive growth of their Twitter and Facebook profiles. 

4) What does IPSO stand for and what is IPSO's job?

Independent Press Standards Organisation and the role of IPSO is to:
  • Regulate 1500 print and 1100 online titles.
  • Listen to complaints about press behaviour.
  • Help with unwanted press attention.
  • Advise publication editors .
  • Provide information to the public.
  • Provide a journalist whistleblowing hotline.

5) Why do some people want stronger regulation of British newspapers? 

Some people believe that the newspaper industry cannot be trusted to regulate itself by using IPSO possibly due to the phone hacking scandal. They believe that stronger, statutory regulation should be introduced instead. 


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